Sunday Jazz Lunch | Martin John McCafferty Sunday 03 November 2024 13:00 Belgravia Macdonald Restaurant

The best in swinging classic jazz

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Live Music & Lunch

  • The Mac­don­ald Bar with live music
Description Price Quantity
info   VIP Live Music & Lunch £49.50
info   Premium Live Music & Lunch £44.50
info   Standard Live Music & Lunch £39.50
  • Auld Restaurant without live music | The Restau­rant is the old­est part of Bois­dale of Bel­gravia. It is an ele­gant and spa­cious din­ing room pro­vid­ing a qui­eter, more sedate atmos­phere than The Mac­don­ald Bar
Description Price Quantity
info   Three Course Lunch £35.00

Lunch reservations from 12pm | Live Music 1-4pm

As an icon­ic Live Music British Restau­rant, we make a Sun­day Roast a much more excit­ing venture! 

End your weekend with friends and fam­i­ly with a scrump­tious 3-course Sunday lunch and a fantastic atmosphere, all accom­pa­nied with Live Jazz.

Cham­pi­oning the Great British roast, Bois­dale selects some of the very finest Scottish beef for the stun­ning cen­tre­piece of the new menu. An 18-hour slow roast dry-aged rib of beef, York­shire pud­ding, goose fat roast pota­toes, her­itage veg­eta­bles, red wine gravy is undoubt­ed­ly some of the high­est qual­i­ty meat avail­able in the capital. 

For those look­ing for an alter­na­tive to the full Sun­day roast offer­ing, lunch dish­es includ­ing the leg­endary Bois­dale Roast Dum­friesshire black­face hag­gis bashed neeps & tat­ties will be on offeror or fish of the day more casu­al lunchtime dining. 

Martin John McCafferty

Martin John is a celebrated musician and vocalist who has a unique ability to add a fresh, original twist to well-known swing, Rat Pack, and big band music. He is widely regarded as one of the best jazz and swing vocalists in both the UK and Ireland, thanks to his versatility and talent. Martin has a knack for bringing the timeless classics of the Great American Song Book to life, making them sound effortless and timeless.

"A superb performance... great singing and great company"— Dame Helen Mirren

“An outstanding performance.”— Simon Cowell

"What a voice"— Beverly Knight MBE

“An enjoyable evening had by all”— HRH Prince Charles

Belgravia Macdonald Restaurant - 15 Eccleston Street, Belgravia, London, SW1W 9LX

For more information on Boisdale at Belgravia Click Here